Easy to Apply
Chatham's RN-BSN program has no application fee and no GRE requirement. Basic understanding of statistics and research methodologies is recommended.
Apply Today : Checkerboard 1 - Easy to Apply800-837-1290
412-419-3772 (standard text/SMS rates will apply)
The number of credits required to complete the RN-BSN program varies based on individual academic history. Please contact Admissions for your credit evaluation.
Cost consists of program tuition (cost per credit times number of credits) as well as any applicable University and degree-specific fees.
UPMC nurses can now earn their RN-BSN online from Chatham University tuition-free, which means you can earn a degree from a leader in online nursing education for over 20 years at no cost.
The RN-BSN program emphasizes professionalism and leadership in an online learning environment that is conducive to students’ work and life obligations, advances students’ career possibilities, and enhances their ability to provide top-notch patient care.
—LORA WALTER, DNP, MSN, RN, Associate Professor of Nursing, RN-BSN Program Coordinator
Chatham's RN-BSN program has no application fee and no GRE requirement. Basic understanding of statistics and research methodologies is recommended.
Apply Today : Checkerboard 1 - Easy to ApplyThe 26 required core nursing credits are offered through online courses and delivered in an accelerated, 7.5-week format. Students are admitted twice per year in fall and spring and may choose to pursue their studies full- or part-time. Click the button below to view an example of a student's degree progression.
Explore RN-BSN Curriculum : Checkerboard 2 - Courses & CurriculumClick the button below to view the goals and outcomes of Chatham's online Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
Explore Goals & Outcomes : Checkerboard 3 - Program Goals & OutcomesChatham's nursing faculty members are accomplished teachers, scholars, practitioners, and active leaders in the field. They serve as mentors and advisors and are there for you every step of the way.
Meet the Faculty : Checkerboard 4 - Program FacultyThe cost of an undergraduate degree consists of university tuition (per credit charge), fees, and any other personal expenses you may require for earning your degree. Our Financial Aid and Admissions offices will also work with you to help you understand the scholarships and financing options that are available.
Explore Tuition & Fees : Checkerboard 5 - Tuition & FeesThe AfterCollege/AACN Scholarships support students who are seeking a baccalaureate, masters or doctoral degree in nursing. Eight $2,500 scholarships will be awarded throughout the year. The application deadlines are January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31. A limited number of other nursing scholarships may be available. A FAFSA form must be completed and on file to be considered for the scholarship. To fill out the FAFSA, please visit their website and use school code: 003244.
Click the button below to learn more about Chatham's online Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN) program admissions process, requirements, and information for international applicants.
View Admission Requirements : Checkerboard 7 - Admission RequirementsNurses employed by UPMC are able to enroll part-time in Chatham’s RN-BSN program at a price that is fully covered by UPMC’s tuition benefits, allowing them to improve patient outcomes and accelerate their careers at no cost to them.
Explore the Partnership : Checkerboard 8 - RN-BSN for UPMC NursesStudents can save tens of thousands of dollars on a BSN from Chatham University with the BC3+CU program. For more information, please email Admissions.
Chatham has been teaching nursing online for over 25 years while also teaching general education courses to UPMC Schools of Nursing students. When you graduate with your RN-BSN degree, you will join a strong and distinguished alumni community that is not only advancing their careers but furthering the field of nursing. Plus, many alumni enjoy their Chatham education so much that they go on to earn their MSN or DNP (with an alumni discount) from Chatham too.
Learn about nursing student and faculty accomplishments, alumni achievements, and various activities that occurred over the last academic year—in Pittsburgh, and all over the country.
Read the Newsletter : Checkerboard 11 - In Touch NewslettersDue to federal regulation, all universities offering distance education programs and practicum experiences in states other than their own must receive authorization or be a SARA-approved institution. Chatham University is a SARA-approved institution.
SARA-Approved Institutions : Checkerboard 12 - SARA-Approved Participating Institution